How to Train a Cat to Fetch


Cats are often seen as independent pets, less likely to engage in games like fetch, unlike their canine counterparts. However, with the right approach, you can train your cat to fetch, providing both mental stimulation and physical exercise for your feline friend. This guide will walk you through the steps to train your cat to fetch, turning playtime into an engaging and rewarding activity for both of you.

Finding the Perfect Space

Start by choosing a small, confined area with minimal distractions. This controlled environment helps your cat focus on the game without getting sidetracked. As your cat becomes proficient, you can gradually move to larger spaces.

Choosing the Best “Fetch” Toy

Each cat has unique preferences. Some may prefer a crinkly paper ball, while others might opt for a soft toy. Observe your cat’s play habits to determine its favourite object, which will become your primary fetch toy.

Picking the Right Time

Initiate training sessions when your cat is alert and active, preferably before mealtime. This timing ensures that your cat has the energy to engage and is motivated by treats.

Steps to Train Your Cat to Fetch

Step 1: Introducing the Toy

Present the chosen toy to your cat. Encourage your cat to touch or paw at the toy, and immediately reward any interaction with a treat or verbal praise. Consistency is key in this initial phase.

Step 2: Rewarding Interaction

Once your cat shows consistent interest in the toy, start using a clicker or a specific verbal cue like “fetch” as they touch the toy. Follow up with a treat. This step begins to associate the action with the command.

Step 3: Encouraging the Fetch Behavior

Gradually encourage your cat to hold the toy in its mouth. You can do this by holding the toy close to its mouth and rewarding any attempt to bite or carry it. Progress to throwing the toy a short distance, and reward your cat for retrieving it.

Step 4: Retrieval and Return

Now, place the toy a bit farther away. Encourage your cat to bring the toy back to you by rewarding it with a treat or click as soon as it picks up the toy and turns towards you. Gradually increase the distance you throw the toy.

cat playing with a toy

Common Challenges and Solutions

Training a cat to fetch requires patience. If your cat loses interest or seems frustrated, take a break and try again later. Ensure the training sessions are short and enjoyable. If your cat refuses to bring the toy back, tempt it with a treat or use a toy that your cat is more inclined to carry.

Advancing the Game

As soon as your cat masters fetching, you can make the game more challenging. Introduce fetching in different environments or add obstacles for your cat to navigate. You can also involve other people in the game to make it more exciting for your cat.

cat fetching a toy


Training your cat to fetch can be a rewarding experience that strengthens your bond and provides enrichment for your cat. Remember, each cat is unique, and training may take time. Celebrate small victories and enjoy the process of teaching your cat this fun and engaging game.

cat playing with a toy

Training a cat to fetch is not only about the result but also about enjoying the journey and bonding with your pet. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you’ll be amazed at what your feline friend can achieve.


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