Throughout the globe, our feline companions reign as the most preferred choice of pets. In a recent update by Catster, it’s been confirmed that the world is home to approximately 600 million cats; this number includes both strays and cats that have a place they can call home. Cats are cherished companions in nearly every corner of the world, of course except for Antarctica. Their history as household members, pest deterrents, and participants in religious ceremonies stretches back to ancient civilizations. 

In our recent assessment, and in no particular order, we’ve compiled a list of the planet’s most densely inhabited urban centres that happen to harbour feline populations. These are cities that praise the adorableness of cats more than any other place on the planet. It’s fascinating to observe how these bustling metropolises not only boast a diverse human populace but also serve as habitats for countless cats, weaving their presence into the fabric of city life. Let’s take a closer look at these vibrant locales where the meows of our paw-some partners intermingle with the cacophony of urban living, creating a unique symphony of sounds that resonates through the bustling streets and alleyways.


cats in tokyo
Cats in Tokyo

 In Japan, there is a deep-seated affection for our paw-some partners that stems from cultural beliefs attributing them with auspicious qualities. Our feline companions are revered for their perceived ability to bring good luck into people’s lives and that is why Tokyo is home to 1.1 million cats.

One place that will leave you with so much memory on your next visit to Tokyo is Yanka, which is popularly called ‘Cat Town’. In Yanaka, people live simpler lives, enjoy tranquillity, and share their days with many cats. The town is characterised by cat-themed shops, cat cafes and statues. Also, another memorable feature in Tokyo is the giant 3D cat billboard in Shinjuku. 

Certainly! Every cat-loving city needs a cat café, and Tokyo is no exception. Tokyo boasts over 50 cat cafes, but one of the most visually appealing ones is Cafe MoCHA, situated in Shibuya City. Additionally, it has five other branches spread across metropolitan Tokyo.


Cats in Kator
Cats in Kator

Rumour has it that the first creatures you will set your eyes on even before humans in Kotor are felines and the cats in Kotor can be regarded as ‘Special Agents’ as these felines are known for protecting the town from rats, mice and snakes.  It is believed that the cats from Kotor are from different origins as Kotor is thought to be as old as the maritime trade in the Adriatic Sea, along with the influx of ships came cats from various corners of the globe which were likely abandoned or left behind in Kotor.  

There is no definite update on the population of cats in Kotor, but a large number of these cats are strays and facilities are put in place to administer medical care to these charming felines. One of such is the great work done by a charity group – Kotor Kitties. As a cat-lover, Kotor should be a dreamland for you and when planning your visit, allocate some time to visit the wonderful couple that run a cat store in Kotor, where you can shop cat-related gifts and interior items.



In Amsterdam, cats seem to be everywhere. Whether you’re walking along the canals, wandering through the charming Jordaan neighbourhood, or admiring the canal houses, you’re likely to spot a cat keeping watch from a nearby window, rooftop, shop, or houseboat. Cats are very common pets in the Netherlands. By 2022, about one out of every four Dutch households had a cat, making the total number of cats in the country nearly 2 million.

One of the ‘cattractions’ in Amsterdam is the Catboat ‘De Poezenboot’ that has existed for about 58 years. The facility offers refuge and protection to cats in Amsterdam, the Catboat has gained global renown among cat enthusiasts. Throughout the years, the Catboat has undergone expansions and renovations to offer top-notch housing for stray and abandoned cats. On every other day of the week except Wednesdays and Sundays, visitors are welcomed at the Catboat every afternoon from 13:00 to 15:00. Donations are appreciated, including unwanted cat toys, old newspapers, and accessories.



In St. Petersburg, cats are treated well and the city is known for its friendliness towards them. They roam freely, becoming part of the city’s vibe with their adorable presence. You can spot them hanging out under café tables, making homes in museum basements, and strolling around the streets.

Have you ever heard of a city that has a press secretary just for cats? If not, then you should definitely check out the heritage museum in St. Petersburg. This museum isn’t just about history—it’s also a home for some adorable furry companions. They’re known as the ‘Hermitage cats’. The museum even has kitchens where their food is prepared, and there’s a little hospital for them too. It’s quite a unique place! On your next visit to St. Petersburg, you should stop by the museum and also visit any of these cat cafes.


Kucing cat in Malaysia
Kucing cat in Malaysia

This city loves cats so much that it is named after them ‘Kuching’ and it’s safe to say the entire city is obsessed with these charming felines – the local radio station is Cats FM.

Although there is no exact information on the population of cats in this city, cats are all over Kuching, from people feeding them at coffee shops to big statues, street art, and even a whole museum just for them. Kuching is  home to the world’s first cat museum, which is the city’s top cat spot with 4,000+ cat-related items like paintings and memorials. They’ve got everything from a mummified ancient Egyptian cat to ads featuring felines, and even showcases the five wild cat species from Borneo. Out of the many giant statues in Kuching, the most visited and photographed is the ‘Family of Cats’ statue which has existed for about 35 years.

They say if you don’t take photos with the cats in Cat City Kuching, it’s like you’ve never been there at all.

You deserve a round of apPAWS 👏 for reading this far, now let’s delve into the next 5 cities, they will blow your mind! 🔥


Cat in Taiwan

Houtong cat village, formerly a mining town, is known for its high population of cats that is about 200 times the human population in the town. The village is said to be owned by cute felines that roam around freely and fearlessly – you can say the village has gone a bit insane about cats. Most of these cats are stray but because of the constant visits by humans who feed them and treats by visiting tourists, these felines have become used to people.

It is a popular day-trip spot for visitors and can easily be assessed by trains, this would make a great tourist spot for your next visit. As a visitor, you can pay a visit to the Walk N’Taste Café, they offer decent coffee and a menu of other edible options. The cats rule the roads too and there are warning signs to keep drivers alert.


Cat in Athens, Greece

Cats are everywhere in Athens, blending into the bustling streets, lively squares, and historic agoras. Whether they’re lounging under olive trees or chasing each other down narrow alleys, you’ll spot them all over the city, even near the Acropolis steps.

According to The Guardian, Greece has one of the largest stray feline and canine populations in the world. Animal rights activists estimate that Athens alone may have as many as 2 million stray cats and dogs. Athens is a home to many stray cats because the climate favours all-year round breeding, and as you know, our very admired charming felines are very prolific – a litter consists of around 4-8 kittens. Also, the presence of lots of narrow streets, alleys, and old ruins offer hiding spots and shelter for cats, helping them thrive in the city. However, these cats are very friendly and are accepted as part of daily life and part of the Greek experience.


Cats in rome

Since ancient times, cats have been part of life in Rome. As the city grew, so did the population of mice and rats, making cats valuable for keeping pests in check. Today, Rome is home to about 300,000 cats. Around 170,000 are pets, and the rest, about 130,000 are stray cats in colonies. In Rome, you’ll find cats everywhere, from famous spots like the Colosseum to quiet corners in neighbourhoods. These cats have different personalities—some are friendly, others are more shy. But they all have that typical cat coolness about them.

In Rome, there are a variety of cat-themed souvenirs available, such as calendars and fridge magnets, these are all items you can shop for during your visit.


If you are a cat street photographer, then you would love this one as its void of human figures photobombing pictures of cute little felines.

Every cat lover is used to a cat city with cat cafes, but this is what makes Aoshima stand out. Aoshima was formerly a bustling fish island, when fishermen saw that mice were a major enemy in their camp, they introduced our fluff balls to help combat these enemies. After a while, humans had to leave the island, leaving behind their cats and this birthed the name ‘Cat Island’. The island is known for its large number of feline residents and little human population which are mostly elders and according to recent sources, only 5 humans live on the island now. However, Aoshima Island is not a tourist spot but for keen cat lovers who would love to visit, note that there are no cars, hotels or restaurants on the island so your visit might just be for a few hours.


Cat in istanbul

The cats in Istanbul are believed to be the world’s most comfortable cats and this is because Turkey is a muslim-dominated and in Islam cats are honoured because they’re seen as clean animals. It is estimated that about 200 thousand cats live here.

In Istanbul, people have a unique bond with the city’s cats. Residents give them food (the stray cats in Istanbul possess a funny habit of sitting beside windows around mealtime as they know leftovers will be tossed to them.), shelter, and love. The city also takes care of the cats by spaying, neutering, and offering veterinary help. Cats freely roam around, even hopping on trams and buses at times.

Expert Advice

There are numerous stray animals out there, wandering the streets, looking for a place to belong. Perhaps, as you plan your next trip to a nearby city, you could inadvertently stumble upon one of these lost souls and offer them a chance at a loving home. Taking in a stray cat, for instance, could bring immense joy and companionship into your life. However, it’s crucial to approach this decision with care and responsibility. Before bringing a stray cat into your home, it’s highly advisable to seek guidance from a veterinary professional. A visit to the veterinary clinic will ensure that you receive expert advice on proper care, vaccinations, and any potential health concerns the cat may have. This thoughtful step not only safeguards the well-being of the animal but also sets the foundation for a fulfilling and rewarding relationship between you and your new found furry little feline companion.


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