Ojos Azules


United States


8"- 10"

Adult Weight

9-12 pounds

Life Span

10-12 years




Medium-sized short-haired



Personality and Temperament

In Spanish, Ojos Azules translates to “blue eyes.” One look at the Ojos Azules cat, and you’ll see exactly how this rare, beautiful breed got its name. Because Ojos Azules cats are highly uncommon, you can count yourself extremely fortunate if you’re able to bring one into your family. Not only are these cats exceptionally attractive, they are friendly, loyal, and playful. In short, The Ojos Azules is everything many people long for in a cat! Ojos Azules cats like to snuggle and they thrive in an environment where they receive plenty of attention. These kitties don’t like to be left alone for too long, and they appreciate their friends, whether those happen to be human family members or other pets. As you might’ve guessed, the Ojos Azules cat is capable of getting along very well with children, so long as they’re respectful. Temperament does play an important role when breeders select parents for an upcoming litter, so most offspring are friendly and personable, but there is an important caveat: as Ojos Azules cats must be carefully produced by outcrossing blue-eyed cats with those of other eye colors, the old saying that all cats are individuals is particularly true of this breed.


Ojos Azules cats have no special nutritional needs, however it’s vital to offer the best possible food. If you’re not feeding fresh food, ensure that you choose a commercial brand that relies on real meat or fish as the main ingredient, and that does not contain too many carbohydrates.
Ojos Azules cats may have long or short coats, so their families will need to offer grooming on a case-by-case basis, as needed. Frequent brushing can help remove loose hair, reducing shedding and helping to cut back on hairballs. There are two other important grooming routines to consider when an Ojos Azules cat is part of your family. Regular toenail trimming can help save your furniture, your clothing, and your skin from damage, and toothbrushing can help keep your cat’s breath fresher while preventing periodontal disease. Both routines should be gently taught from a young age.
Ojos Azules cats are just like others in that they love to run, jump, and climb. Treat your pet to a tall cat tree, a few scratchers, and plenty of toys to keep them entertained. With appropriate enrichment, your Ojos Azules cat will get all the exercise that’s needed for good physical and mental health.
Unfortunately, The Ojos Azules cat is sometimes born with severe genetic defects including cranial deformities and a small curled tail. Some Ojos Azules cats are stillborn. These issues occur only with homozygous genes and not with heterozygous genes. Ojos Azules kittens that are born healthy do not typically suffer from deafness or crossed eyes, which are issues that sometimes plague other blue-eyed cats.


Affection Level 100%
Activity Level 80%
Pet-Friendly 80%
Kid-Friendly 80%
Sociability 60%
Intelligence 60%
Playfulness 80%
Independence 60%
Vocality 80%
Grooming 40%


The Breed Standard





Legs & Paws




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