

United States



Adult Weight

7-12 pounds

Life Span

12-15 years


Gentle, affectionate, family-friendly, sweet




Medium-sized longhair



Personality and Temperament

Is the Himalayan a Persian cat? Is the Colorpoint Persian the same as a Himalayan? The answer varies depending on the breed registry. Some organizations view the Himalayan—fondly nicknamed the Himmie—as a Persian color variant and others classify the Himalayan as its own separate breed. Himalayans or Colorpoint Persian cats have pointed markings and gorgeous blue eyes like Siamese cats. At the same time, they possess long, silky coats like their Persian cousins. In addition, that Persian influence means Himalayans typically have flat or shortened faces that contribute to their unique appearance. Most Himalayan cats are incredibly sweet natured, with a fondness for cuddling up to their favorite people. Thanks to their Siamese heritage, these cats tend to be a bit more playful than the average Persian. If you are looking for a cat that loves to lounge and you don’t mind daily grooming sessions, then the Himalayan might be your perfect feline companion.


Himalayan cats have no special nutritional needs, but like all other cats, the Himalayan thrives on a high-quality diet that includes real meat or fish as the first ingredient. You might wish to look for food that contains added omega essential fatty acids to support skin and coat health.
Long, luxurious fur calls for daily grooming sessions, which Himalayan cats typically enjoy. Not only does daily brushing prevent mats from forming, it is a wonderful bonding ritual. Some Himalayan cats require daily facial care to remove tear staining. This is more common in individuals with flatter faces and facial folds that catch moisture as it travels down from the tear ducts. Additional grooming rituals include regular nail trims and toothbrushing, along with ear cleaning. Some Himalayan cats are prone to oily skin and hair, making occasional baths necessary.
Because the Himalayan cats are prone to obesity, it is very important to encourage daily exercise. Luckily, these cats enjoy intense play and come to look forward to it once it is a habit. Just like Siamese, Himalayan cats enjoy interactive games like fetch and will happily chase a laser beam (just be sure not to shine the laser into your cat’s eyes).
Himalayan cats are generally healthy, however, some do carry the gene for polycystic kidney disease. Responsible breeders test for PKD, greatly reducing the likelihood of producing kittens that are prone to the disease.


Affection Level 100%
Activity Level 50%
Pet-Friendly 80%
Kid-Friendly 90%
Sociability 100%
Intelligence 90%
Playfulness 70%
Independence 30%
Vocality 50%
Grooming 100%


During the 1930s, two Harvard researchers named Dr. Clyde Keeler and Virginia Cobb decided to conduct a study by combining Siamese and Persian cats. Their efforts led to the birth of a cat named Newton’s Debutante. They simply called it a Siamese–Persian after its parents. This beautiful cat had classic Siamese colorpoint markings, blue eyes, and a long, silky coat. He ultimately became one of the first cats to represent the Himalayan (Colorpoint Persian) breed. Cat breeder and conservationist Jean Mill, also known as the founder of the Bengal cat breed, began working on the breed in 1948. In 1955, Brian Sterling-Webb created a similar crossbred cat that he called the Long-Haired Colorpoint. In 1957, Marguerita Goforth’s continued efforts at combining Siamese and Persian cats gained breed recognition from the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). Goforth is credited with naming the Himalayan cat breed. Outcrossing to both Siamese and Persian cats continued throughout the next few decades, with various breeders focusing on either Persian or Siamese traits. In 1984, the CFA decided that the Himalayan cat was actually a Persian variant and many of today’s Himalayans exhibit more Persian traits than Siamese traits. All major cat registries recognize the breed, using either the Himalayan name or the Colorpoint Persian name. Despite the labeling conundrum that pits the Himalayan versus the Colorpoint Persian, both breeds are exactly the same.

The Breed Standard


The Himalayan/Colorpoint Persian has a cobby body with a round appearance and ample underlying strength, with a broad chest and shoulders.


Himalayan/Colorpoint Persian cats have round, broad, smooth-domed heads with great breadth. The face profile is short with a snub-nose and definite break directly between the eyes. The muzzle is short broad and full.


The Himalayan/Colorpoint Persian cat has large, round, blue eyes. The deepest blue color is preferred, but lighter eyes are acceptable as long as they are blue.


The ears are typically small and rounded, set wide apart and positioned low on the skull. Dense ear furnishings are typical.

Legs & Paws

The legs are strong and thick, with a sturdy appearance. The paws are large and round, preferably with tufts between the toes.


A Himalayan/Colorpoint Persian cat has a thick, well-plumed tail with a rounded tip.


Himalayan/Colorpoint Persian cats have long, double coats. A distinct ruff surrounds the neck, there is a lovely frill between the front legs, and there are typically tufts between the toes.


The Himalayan/Colorpoint Persian is a pointed cat with a lighter-colored body and darker-colored extremities (head, tail and feet). The points may be chocolate, blue, cream, seal, tortoiseshell, or flame (red). Pointed patterns include solid point, tortoiseshell point, bicolor point, tricolor point, tabby or lynx point, smoke point and shaded point.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Himalayan cat cost?

Pet-quality Himalayan (Colorpoint Persian) kittens usually cost between $1,000 and $3,000.

How big do Himalayan cats get?

Adult Himalayan cats are medium to large. According to the Himalayan (Colorpoint Persian) breed standard, the body type is cobby. Himalayans are low on the legs, broad and deep though the chest, and massive across the shoulders and rump. An adult female Himalayan cat might weigh between 8 and 12 pounds; male Himalayans usually weigh more than 12 pounds. They range in height anywhere from about 10 inches to 15 inches tall.

How long do Himalayan cats live?

The average life span for Himalayan cat is 15 to 20 years.

Do Himalayan cats shed?

Himalayan cats have very thick, profuse, long coats that can shed quite a bit. Daily brushing and combing is necessary to keep the coat free from mats and tangles. Proper coat maintenance can help cut down on how much hair a Himalayan leaves around the house, but still expect a good amount of shedding.


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