

United States



Adult Weight

5-10 pounds

Life Span

12-15 years


Gentle, active, curious, affectionate


Dalles LaPerm


Medium-sized shorthair and longhair



Personality and Temperament

A cute, curly coat is just the beginning: The LaPerm cat has an absolutely charming personality. Meet this sweet kitty just once, and you will fall in love! As family pets, LaPerm cats adore everyone from tiny tots to grandparents. They also have a tendency to make friends with other pets including their fellow felines and well-mannered dogs. These kitties are fond of cuddling up, making themselves comfy whether on your lap, next to you, or underneath your covers. Between naps, these fabulous felines stay busy. They are as fond of helping their people with projects as they are of playing with their toys. The LaPerm cat possesses quite an inquisitive nature, and will happily investigate unsecured cupboards and drawers, inspecting and sometimes removing their contents. If you are hoping for a quiet pet, the LaPerm may be ideal. When this kitty does use its voice, the sound tends to be soft and melodious rather than harsh and demanding. To get your attention, the LaPerm cat is more likely to offer a soft tap with a paw. These amazing cats are truly endearing, quickly making friends with everyone who crosses their path. If you socialize an LaPerm kitten well, it’s quite likely that once grown, your cat will greet new acquaintances like old friends.


The LaPerm cat has no special nutritional needs, however you may wish to choose a food that has added Omega fatty acids to promote healthy skin and report that vibrant, curly coat that makes this breed stand out. In addition, be sure that you choose a high-quality food that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Real meat or fish should be the main ingredient.
While the LaPerm cat does not require a lot of maintenance, it’s best to groom them at least 2 to 3 times per week, using a comb or brush with rotating bristles. The texture of your cat’s coat will determine how often your help is needed. In addition to coat care, you may wish to clip your cat’s claws on a regular basis. While LaPerm cats are not particularly destructive, keeping your kitty’s toenails short will help prevent damage to your furniture. You might also want to teach your cat to accept toothbrushing, since regular dental care contributes to overall well-being.
LaPerm cats are naturally active. In addition to running and jumping, they have an above average appreciation for climbing. If you bring one of these wonderful kitties into your life, plan to offer them more than one cat tree and consider installing cat friendly shelves on the walls. LaPerm cats love to view their homes from the highest possible vantage point and without these items, are likely to find less-suitable perches, such as the tops of cupboards and refrigerators.
The LaPerm cat has a reputation for enjoying good health. This breed is not subject to any known genetic conditions.


Affection Level 100%
Activity Level 80%
Pet-Friendly 80%
Kid-Friendly 80%
Sociability 80%
Intelligence 90%
Playfulness 80%
Independence 50%
Vocality 20%
Grooming 50%


The Breed Standard


LaPerm cats are of medium size, typically weighing in at 5 to 8 pounds. Males tend to be a bit larger than females. The overall impression is that of a fine-boned but not delicate cat, with ample strength and graceful toys.


The head is a modified wedge shape that displays slight rounding and gentle contours. The whisker pads should be full and rounded, with long whiskers. The whiskers are often curly.


The eyes are of medium size, with an alert, expressive appearance and a slight slant. They should be almond shaped when the cat is relaxed, and it should appear rounder when the cat is alert. Eye color has no relation to coat color.


LaPerm cats have medium to large sized ears with full furnishings. The long-haired variety should have earmuffs and lynx tips.

Legs & Paws

The legs are long and slim, giving the impression that the cat is walking tall. The hind legs may be longer than the front legs. The paws should be rounded.


A LaPerm cat's tail is unique and should complement its coat. Shorthaired varieties should have tails that look almost like bottle brushes, while long-haired individuals should develop a plume.


The coat is the LaPerm cat's distinguishing feature. It may be long or short, and it may change over time. Kittens are often born hairless or nearly bald, however some are born with full haircoats. In shorthaired varieties, the coat displays a soft, wavy look and feel. Long-haired LaPerm cats often develop ringlets, along with a longer mane around the chest area. Discover more long-haired cat breeds: American longhair, British longhair and Oriental longhair


LaPerm cats can be found in every color and pattern imaginable.

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